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英文QQ场景 冰河时代(DJ)

英文QQ场景 冰河时代(DJ)

  • 软件大小:2.7M
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 更新时间:2020-07-04 17:58:49
  • 软件类别:免费软件/QQ相关
  • 软件性质:PC软件
  • 软件厂商:
  • 运行环境:WinAll
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la la la la la la
you’re the la love of my life
one way ticket and of life to live
pockets full of sunshine
lots of love to give
longing for your kisses
longing for your arms to be holding me.
i took the friday night flight
paris here i come
couldn’t live without you
you're the only one
got the note you wrote me – know it all by heart
oh nothing’s gonna keep us apart.
there is only...
la la love on my mind,
gonna leave my la la love on the line,
baby just surrender, you’ll be la lucky tonight.
looking out for ooh la la la l’amour
and i’m gonna la la love you toujours.
there’s no doubt about it,
you’re the la love of my life.
don’t care about my suitcase,
gonna grab a cab,
let your arms unfold me
give you all i have
boy you got me dreamin’
you’re a kiss away
in your arms i’m going to stay
there is only...
la la love on my mind,
gonna leave my la la love on the line,
baby just surrender, you’ll be la lucky tonight.
looking out for ooh la la la l’amour
and i’m gonna la la love you toujours.
there’s no doubt about it,
you’re the la love of my life.
there’s no doubt about it
you’re the la love of my life






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